Why Read This Book

  • You find yourself not able to save any money and wait for your next paycheck with anxiety. The book provides practical guidelines on how to avoid falling into the trap of “paycheck to paycheck” living.
  • Your car breaking down or dropping your phone creates a financial hardship that seems impossible to manage. Inside the cover of the book, we address the solution on how to create proper reserves and be able to deal with life‘s challenges from a financial point of view.
  • You have asked how a friend, family member, or associate is able to do so much better than you economically even though they are making the same amount of money you are making. When this book was read by financially healthy people, they indicated these were the methods that they used in order to achieve their financial health. Sound advice based on real-life experience.
  • You know there is a better way to manage your personal cashflow but are confused by the strange language spoken by financial advisors. The book shows how our financial well-being comes from the process we use in order to manage and budget our money. This book gives you some guidance on what that process is all about and how to implement it.
  • You know people living “paycheck to paycheck” even though they make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. They’re doctors, attorneys, or high-end professionals that would not be able to make it for a month if they didn’t receive their monthly pay. This is a problem that affects not only those with low income but those that just don’t know how to manage their income. This book provides some insight into how to manage the money you already make.
  • You have heard and believe that credit cards are evil. We are no longer in a cash basis society. Instead, we are in a credit-based world. I disagree with those that say that you should not use credit cards. Instead, I say to them, you need to know how to properly use credit cards and manage credit. In this book, you will be provided a way to use your credit card to build credit which you will leverage to increase your net worth.
  • You have a college degree and a low paying job even though you paid a high tuition rate to a university, and now have a student loan to pay instead of a mortgage. This book addresses good debt and managing past debt while working for the future instead of going to work every day paying for yesterday.
  • You are frustrated with family members that continue to come to you for a handout. The book will provide some advice on how you can help your loved ones while actually helping yourself and building a stronger financial future.
  • You don’t understand why you are stressed over money even though you have a nest egg set aside and plenty of savings. The book also takes a look at what your relationship is with money and provides some insight into what drives peoples’ spending habits.
  • You have been laid off or are not able to work during Covid19. The final chapter of the book provides some key steps on how to manage your spending and how to capture additional capital when faced with extreme circumstances.